1.4. Opening a pull request

GitHub makes it easy to open pull requests (PRs). Whenever there is the option to open one, it is provided. For example, when Committing Changes to an existing repository, GitHub provides the option to commit the change to a new branch and open a pull request.

1.5. Managing (merging) pull requests

  1. Navigate to the top-level “Pull requests” tab on a GitHub project, where you will see a list of existing open pull requests

Pull request overview

  1. Click on the pull request you want to work with

  2. Be default, you are presented with the Conversation view.

  3. The Files changed tab provides an overview of all of the changes made in this PR. You can leave line-by-line review comments or questions.

  4. When you are done reviewing a PR, and all comments have been addressed, you can return to the Conversation tab and select the large green Merge pull request button

  5. If there are conflicting changes and you cannot merge the PR, you should post on the #git channel on Slack for further assistance

Pull request tabs