3. Working with others

In this tutorial, you will create a new repository in Bitbucket, clone it to your local machine, create some basic content, and push the content to Bitbucket. Next, you will create a branch locally to fix a bug and push the bugfix branch to your repo on Bitbucket. Then, you’ll open a Pull Request in Bitbucket and then merge your branch in Bitbucket. Finally, you will fetch new commits from Bitbucket and pull your main branch up-to-date with those commits.


Should we create a repo ahead of time with lots of opportunities for changes, e.g. generate some mis-spelled text with GPT-3?

Before starting this tutorial, you should have completed the first tutorial Working with Git locally.


If you’re looking for quick help with specific tasks, check out the How-Tos instead!

This tutorial is intended to be followed step-by-step from beginning to end. Click “Next” to begin.