2.8. “Diverge” by fixing an error on the main branch

A colleague has asked you to create a version of this document with more spelling and grammar corrections applied. You’re not ready with your changes on the add-safety-warning branch yet, so you’ll have to switch between branches to work on each of these independent tasks.

2.8.1. Go back to the main branch and fix the third line

$ git switch main
Switched to branch 'main'

Now that you’re on the main branch, it’s expected that the marbles.txt file will be missing the safety warning, but it should have spelling fixes on the first two lines. Validate this expectation by viewing the first three lines of the file:

$ cat marbles.txt | head -n3
The most important reason to never eat marbles is if they're overindulged and the
marbles are out of the water. Just make sure you keep them hydrated and properly lit.

The warning is gone (it’s not really gone, it’s just on the other branch), and the spelling fixes are present. Let’s fix the third line of text (line 4, as line 3 is empty):

  • Change If your to If you're.

  • Change mabrles to marbles.

Save the file. Commit it:

$ git add marbles.txt

$ git commit -m "Fix the third line of text"
[main 00d0a78] Fix the third line of text
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Now that you have changes on main and changes on add-safety-warning after the branching point (the commit the branch was created from), your history looks much more “branchy”:

* 00d0a78 (HEAD -> main) Fix the third line of text
| * 0dd69ee (add-safety-warning) Clarify safety warning
| * 2ee2574 Add preliminary safety warning
* 6589abd (tag: first-two-lines-validated) Fix errors on the second line
* 4f88912 Fix errors in first line
* 075bbc6 Add marbles.txt

🎉 This tells you that you have two branches originating from 6589abd (coincidentally, this is the commit you tagged as first-two-lines-validated). In addition to * for each commit, there are now lines connecting the *. These lines connect commits to their parents, and they tell us that 6589abd is parent to both 00d0a78 and 2ee2574.


As you can image, with more branches this text can get harder to read. In normal usage, git log will apply colors to the lines to help you visualize these relationships.

In this state, you can say that main and add-safety-warning have “diverged”.